This Has Been: February 2014

I keep trying to write about February because it’s already March. In my head I’ve already moved on to Oscars and Lent and Fandom March Madness, but this post demands to be written because I finally have an editorial calendar, and this is the next to go live. So I’m writing it.

February is the shortest month, and appropriately it seems to have gone by really quickly. The best overview of the month can likely be found on my Instagram account. I really enjoyed playing around on Instagram last month. Execpt for that moment when some jerk spoiled the Olympic Men’s Snowboarding Half-Pipe for me in the comments section, but that was a one time deal. Instagram and I are good now. Sidenote: I watched a lot of Olympics.

Beyond that I also managed to get a decent amount of “stuff” done. I worked on some behind the scenes things for the blog, which I’m pretty excited about. I feel like I’m in a good place for all three of my first quarter goals; even if one won’t quite end up the way I had imagined. (Read more in my halfway there post!)

Late this month I spent a little less than a week with my mom visiting my grandma in Florida. I can’t seem to articulate my feelings on the trip very well, but I think it falls into the ‘win’ category. When I returned to the west cost I finally got around to catching up on Downton Abbey and Sherlock.

As a whole, February was good to me despite probably spending too much time locked in my own apartment. On the bright side, I did spend some time making my apartment as functional as possible.

I am constantly reminding myself that I’m in a good place for where I am in life right now and it’s true. I’m in a good place. Could it be better? Of course it could. But couldn’t everyone’s life be better than it is right at this moment? Of course it could. So que sera sera.

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